




Chad Takes Delivery Of Madagascar Virus Cure, COVID-Organics

Chad Takes Delivery Of Madagascar Virus Cure, COVID-Organics
Chad Takes Delivery Of Madagascar Virus Cure, COVID-Organics
Chad received the Covid-19 organics, the drug  invented in Madagascar and believed to cure coronavirus even though the claim hasn't been backed by any international health authority.

“Chad sent a plane to collect CVO donations. Thanks to President Idriss Deby Itno for his confidence,” these sentences were in a tweet posted by the Malagasy President Andry Rajoelina on Saturday, May 9.

Accompanying the text were photos of an official Chadian plane in Antananarivo to take delivery of the COVID-Organics medication that Madagascar insists cures the virus. The second version of it can act as a preventative measure, Rajoelina said weeks back.

The consignment is a donation from the Malagasy government to Chad has been the case with previous donations sent to Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau (reportedly on behalf of ECOWAS, which the bloc has denied ordering for and or endorsing).

Tanzania, the Congos – Republic, Democratic Republic; have all been served the medication which till date is yet to be scientifically tested and or certified by any independent medical outfit.

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