How To Take Screenshot Or Picture In Your Computer
 How To Take Screenshot Or Picture In Your Computer
The ability to take a screenshot (screen capture or screen grab) of your desktop or device window opens several doors for easier sharing: from uploading photos or relevant parts of article text on social media to sending messages to tech support to display an problem you are experiencing.

Take a Windows 8 screenshoot

Look for your keyboard's Print Screen key, which could be called PrtScn or some combination of the same.

Click the PrtScn button to catch the entire screen (everything you see on the screen plus all open windows). It places this screenshot in your clipboard.

Alternatively, to capture just the active or foremost window, press Alt+PrtScn. (Some machines may require you to tap Fn at the same time.)

 How To Take Screenshot Or Picture In Your Computer

If you want to select a portion of your screen to grab, hit Windows+Shift+S. In Windows 10, this will open the Snipping Tool, which we’ll explain below.

Take a screenshot on Windows 8

Next, open a word processing or image editing program like Microsoft Paint and either go to Edit > Paste or hit Ctrl+V to paste the image into the program.

Go to File > Save As and save the image to a folder so you can use it later.

 How To Take Screenshot Or Picture In Your Computer

Using the Snipping Tool

 How To Take Screenshot Or Picture In Your Computer

Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 come with the Snipping Tool. With the Snipping Tool, you can define areas of the screen to capture (an irregular shape, a rectangle that you draw, a selected window, or the entire screen), annotate the screen capture, and share via email.

Since you can save the image directly from the program, the Snipping Tool also saves you the step of having to open Paint or a different program and pasting the image from the clipboard. Use the Save Snip button after you take your screenshot.

To use the Snipping Tool:

Click Start, then type “snipping tool” into the search box. Select Snipping Tool from the results.

Click Mode to select the type of screen grab you want to take. Then use your mouse to select the area of your screen or window you want to capture.

You can also use the Snipping Tool to capture a menu option, such as a drop-down that normally disappears when your mouse button is released or the Start menu. Press Ctrl+PrtScn to capture the menu. If you’re in Windows 7, press ESC before opening the menu you want to grab.

To draw over or highlight parts of the screenshot, click the pen or highlighter buttons in the menu.

Once you’ve got your screenshot you can save it, email it, or copy it for pasting into another application using the Save Snip or Send Snip options.

Take a screenshot on Mac OS X

Mac OS X also has keyboard shortcuts for screen grabbing. After pressing these key combinations to take your screenshot, you’ll hear a click, and the screenshot thumbnail will appear in the lower right corner of your screen.

To capture the entire screen, press Cmd+Shift+3 at the same time.

To capture a select area of your screen, press Cmd+Shift+4. Your cursor will turn into a crosshair and you can drag around the area you want to capture.

To capture a specific window or something like the Dock or menu bar, press Cmd+Shift+4 and then immediately after, hit the Spacebar. The crosshair will turn into a little camera and highlight the window or objects you can capture.

To capture what’s on your Touch Bar, press Cmd+Shift+6.

Screenshots are automatically saved as PNG files to your desktop. If you want to save to the clipboard instead, press and hold Control while you click to capture.