




Trump Blisters Biden In Divisive Speech Aimed At Republicans

Trump Blisters Biden In Divisive Speech Aimed At Republicans
President Donald Trump attacked his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, as "bad," drawing deep distinctions between what the Republicans envisaged for the U.S. and what he said the Democrats support, rounding up the national convention of his party and staking his claim for a second term in office.

"Our enemies claim America is a depraved country. We want our sons and daughters to know the truth; America is the most incredible country in world history," Trump told a live audience at the White House in remarks.

In the midst of a pandemic that is still ravaging the US, Trump defied public health guidelines to assemble an audience of 2,000 guests who largely did not maintain physical distancing or wear masks at an event staged on the South Lawn of the White House.

To their applause, Trump claimed his signature accomplishments in four years; building the wall on the southwest US border, ending undocumented immigration, lowering medicine prices, renegotiating trade deals, cutting taxes and creating jobs.

Trump asserted success in combating the coronavirus and he attacked Biden in hyperbolic terms for his plans to raise taxes, switch the US to clean energy, reform US immigration laws, and tackle the coronavirus.

"Joe Biden's plan is not a solution to the virus. It is a surrender to the virus," Trump said.

Biden is "a Trojan horse for socialism" who would "demolish the suburbs" and "confiscate your guns", Trump claimed.

Biden "promised to end national security travel bans from Jihadist nations", Trump said, a reference to his own controversial ban on travel to the US from a number of predominately Muslim countries.

Biden would abolish cash bail "releasing 400,000 criminals" into US neighbourhoods, and pave the way for the "radical left" to "defund police departments", he said. The claim is a distortion of Biden's latest proposal to reform the US bail system, which discriminates against poor people by holding them in jail.

In a 70-minute speech, Trump directed his most bombastic rhetoric at condemning the civil unrest and racial protests embroiling the country. "There is violence and danger in the streets," Trump said.

"If the Democrat Party wants to stand with anarchists, agitators, rioters, looters and flag burners, that is up to them. But I, as your president, will not be a part of it. The Republican Party will remain the voice of the patriotic heroes who keep America safe and salute the American flag."
Trump Blisters Biden In Divisive Speech Aimed At Republicans
A primary subject of Republican speakers on Thursday was the recent civil unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin and elsewhere in the US. They vehemently argued that, if Trump is not re-elected, riots in US cities run by Democrats foreshadow a lawless future for the country.

Keith Whittington, Professor of Politics at Princeton University, said Trump was seeking to transfer the blame to others for the pandemic and the demonstrations, a daunting political challenge but one that could produce results as his re-election campaign kicks in gear over the next 10 weeks.

"The Trump administration is tied-up in some of the policy responses to the economy and the pandemic such that he cannot very easily distance himself from that and say this is somebody else's fault," Whittington said.

But, "in the context of the rioting in the cities, he has a little bit more credibility in being able to say other government officials have primary responsibility for this, they have not been doing a good enough job," Whittington told Al Jazeera.
Trump Blisters Biden In Divisive Speech Aimed At Republicans
Several Republican speakers in Thursday's largely virtual convention programme defended Trump's hostile approach towards the Black Lives Matter protests.

"President Trump does not dabble in identity politics," said Ben Carson, Trump's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

"He wants everyone to succeed and believes in the adage, 'a rising tide lifts all boats'. Many on the other side love to incite division by claiming that President Trump is a racist," Carson said.

"They could not be more wrong."

Ann Dorn, the widow of Dave Dorn, a retired St Louis police officer and security guard who was killed by looters during protests in June, gave a heartfelt tribute to her late husband.

"Looters were ransacking the shop. They shot and killed Dave in cold blood and livestreamed the execution and his last moments on earth," Dorn recalled.

"How did we get to this point where so many young people are so callous and indifferent towards human life? This isn't a video game where you can commit mayhem and then hit reset," she said.

"Democrats have walked away from us," said Patrick Lynch, president of the Police Benevolent Association of New York City.

"You won't be safe in Joe Biden's America. You can have four more years of President Trump. Or you can have no safety, no justice, no peace."

Former New York City Mayor and Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani warned Democrats would do to the nation what they have already done to New York if Biden is elected.

"Murders, shootings and violent crime are increasing at percentages unheard of in the past," Giuliani said.
Trump Blisters Biden In Divisive Speech Aimed At Republicans
In a speech on Thursday, hours before Trump's address, Democratic vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris offered a scathing critique of Trump's performance in office.

Trump has shown "a reckless disregard for the wellbeing of the American people" in failing to contain the COVID-19 outbreak, Harris said.

"Donald Trump froze. He was scared. He was petty and vindictive," she said of the president's early response to the outbreak in the US.

The final night of the Republican convention was completed with a flourish of fireworks spelling out "Trump 2020" over the Washington Monument on the National Mall, the long grassy park extending from the US Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial.

The opera singer Christopher Macchio sang Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen and Ave Maria by Franz Schubert from the balcony of the White House residence to Trump and his family gathered in front of the audience on stage, giving the evening a classic end.

SOURCE: Al Jazeera

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