




You Will Be Punished If You Insult President, Governors And Senators - NBC Warns


You Will Be Punished If You Insult President, Governors And Senators - NBC Warns
Thursday the National Broadcasting Commission, NBC, warned that punishment will begin for any broadcasting station that violates any of its rules.

This cautioned that broadcasting would merit retribution by offending the President, Governors, MPs, leaders and capable of contributing to public disorder, hatred, etc.

It has warned that the ethics and code of the profession will govern all broadcast stations. Citing the rules of the Broadcasting Code: Section 3.1.: Professional Rules: 3.1.1: which states that 'No broadcast shall promote or incite violence, cause public disorder or hatred, be repugnant to public sentiments or include an offensive reference to any individual or association,  alive or dead or generally be disrespectful to human dignity.

And code: 3.1.19: The broadcast shall not convey content that denigrates society's social norms, values and culture, "Chibuike Ogwumike, NBC Lagos office zonal director, took the opportunity in his letter to newsmen to warn against messages that" insult "Nigerian leaders.

His words: "Monitoring practices suggest that some broadcasting stations have recently relinquished their editorial duties in such a way that guests and callers harass and threaten the program leaders and those in authority openly and without warning.

“To denigrate our elders and leaders in abusive terms is not our culture. We respect our leaders as a positive cultural value.

“We expect Broadcasters, especially anchors to show professionalism in the handling of programs such that guests or callers that exhibit such tendency are professionally handled.

“The recourse to abusing, denigrating and insulting the President, Governors, MPs and other leaders does not show us as cultured people.”

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