




Epic Trading Review Forex MLM

 Epic Trading Review Forex MLM

Are you looking for a current Epic Trading review? Seen someone promoting this forex MLM on Facebook or YouTube? I’ll review the details of this Epic forex program including the products, the company, the leadership and the compensation plan in this Epic Trading forex review.

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What is Epic Trading?

Epic Trading is a forex mlm company that launched in September 2020. Epic Trading provides products such as forex education, trade alerts, market forecasts, live trading sessions, fundamental analysis, corporate events and a multi level marketing referral program.

David McCovy Epic Trading Founder
David McCovy Epic Trading Founder

Epic Trading was founded by David McCovy who was involved in several MLMs in the past including Evolution Travel.

Oddly enough, he owned clothing store, a restaurant, a concert company in Las Vegas, and he has also invested in a Hollywood film.

Now, he will attempt to lead another MLM called Epic Trading, which is a Forex MLM and is something completely new to him.

Epic Trading Team:

  • David McCovy – Founder
  • Spencer Ivorson – President
  • Mark Sterling – Vice President of Sales
  • Jonathan Green – Global Master Ambassador
  • David Liciaga – Vice President of Business Development
  • “Coach” Max – Director of Forex Training
  • Ryan DeFreitas – Master Forex Educator
  • Tracey Johnson – Master Field Trainer

Epic Trading Products Review

Pre-Launch special

Cost is $19.99 usd. This lets you join and recruit others in to the MLM. Once Pre-launch is over, you and your recruits will have to pay the full monthly price.

Epic Scholar

Cost is $99.99 usd per month and includes:

  • EPIC University
  • EPIC Trade Alerts
  • Live Trading Sessions
  • Fundamental Analysis
  • Market Forecasts
  • Member Support
  • 2 Week Syllabus
  • 20 Pips and Dip Trade Strategy (Sound familiar?)

Epic Trading has everything you will need to develop the skills and master the art of trading in FOREX. When you combine it with an industry leading compensation plan, it’s almost too good to be true!


Independent Business Owner – IBO

Cost is $24.99 per month. Joining Epic as an IBO allows you to participate in and be eligible for bonuses and commissions via Epic’s compensation plan. IBO’s have the right to promote Epic’s services and access to a full back office for business management.

Epic Trading Compensation Plan

Epic Trading Compensation Plan
Epic Trading Compensation Plan

You will have to personally refer at least 3 people in order to earn from the compensation plan.

Referrals will be placed in one of your 3 legs under you.

The amount of money you earn will depend on your rank. To qualify for the ranks you need a certain amount of people in each of your 3 legs.

For example: For the Founder 5000 Rank, you will need 250 total team members, with a minimum of 100 members or your left leg, 100 members in your middle leg, and 50 members in your right leg, as per the chart above.

Epic Trading Ranks

  • Founder – To qualify for this rank you will need to maintain at least 3 active personally enrolled customers. 1 customer needs to be on your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd leg. This gets you a free membership.
  • Founder 500 – Maintain at least 10 active downline customers/team members. 4 customers need to be on your 1st leg, 4 customers on your 2nd leg, and 2 customers on your 3rd leg. Pays $125 per week, $500 per month.
  • Founder 1000 – Maintain at least 30 active downline customers/team members. 12 customers need to be on your 1st leg, 12 customers on your 2nd leg, and 6 customers on your 3rd leg. Pays $250 per week, $1,000 per month.
  • Founder 2000 – Maintain at least 80 active downline customers/team members. 32 customers need to be on your 1st leg, 32 customers on your 2nd leg, and 16 customers on your 3rd leg. Pays $500 per week, $2,000 per month.
  • Founder 5000 – Maintain at least 250 active downline customers/team members. 100 customers need to be on your 1st leg, 100 customers on your 2nd leg, and 50 customers on your 3rd leg. Pays $1,250 per week, $5,000 per month.
  • Ambassador 10 – Maintain at least 500 active downline customers/team members. 200 customers need to be on your 1st leg, 200 customers on your 2nd leg, and 100 customers on your 3rd leg. Pays $2,500 per week, $10,000 per month.
  • Ambassador 20 – Maintain at least 1,000 active downline customers/team members. 400 customers need to be on your 1st leg, 400 customers on your 2nd leg, and 200 customers on your 3rd leg. Pays $5,000 per week, $20,000 per month.
  • Ambassador 50 – Maintain at least 2,500 active downline customers/team members. 1,000 customers need to be on your 1st leg, 1,000 customers on your 2nd leg, and 500 customers on your 3rd leg. Pays $12,500 per week, $50,000 per month.
  • Icon 100 – Maintain at least 5,000 active downline customers/team members. 2,000 customers need to be on your 1st leg, 2,000 customers on your 2nd leg, and 1,000 customers on your 3rd leg. Pays $25,000 per week, $100,000 per month.
  • Icon 200 – Maintain at least 15,000 active downline customers/team members. 6,000 customers need to be on your 1st leg, 6,000 customers on your 2nd leg, and 3,000 customers on your 3rd leg. Pays $50,000 per week, $200,000 per month.
  • Icon 500 – Maintain at least 40,000 active downline customers/team members. 16,000 customers need to be on your 1st leg, 16,000 customers on your 2nd leg, and 8,000 customers on your 3rd leg. Pays $125,000 per week, $500,000 per month.
  • EPIC – Maintain at least 75,000 active downline customers/team members. 30,000 customers need to be on your 1st leg, 30,000 customers on your 2nd leg, and 15,000 customers on your 3rd leg. Pays $250,000 per week, $1,000,000 per month.

Note there is also a volume requirement to achieve ranks.

How Much Does Epic Trading Forex Cost to Join?

  • Pre-Launch Special – $19.99 usd
  • Epic Scholar Membership – $99.99 usd per month
  • IBO – Independent Business Owner – $24.99 usd per month

Epic Trading Conclusion:

Did you notice there is a lot of similarities between Tradera and Epic Trading?

In fact, they are almost identical in products and compensation plan. You might even recognize some key people’s names like Coach Max and David Liciaga from Tradera have now jumped on board Epic Trading.

It seems there was a lot of issues with Tradera. They had merchant account issues, improper downline tracking, people losing downlines, people not getting paid etc. Tradera grew very fast and the inexperienced leadership was evident.

Most of the big leaders lost faith in Tradera and jumped on the Epic Trading pre-launch, taking their teams with them.

Now, Epic Trading is not really a scam, but its a brand new Forex MLM that will also have issues and growing pains.

We do not recommend Forex MLMs for many reasons. But the biggest reason is that trading forex is very risky, and 95% of retails traders lose their money.

  • Currency trading is not an easy way of making money.
  • It is difficult to be consistently profitable.
  • You also have to have a reasonable amount of capital to trade forex.
  • You can not become rich through growing a $500, $1000 or even a $10,000 account.

Is Epic Trading a good Forex MLM? The short answer is No. Not at this time. Maybe they will evolve into a good MLM over time.

Epic Trading is too new and they have a long way to go to be recommendation worthy.

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