




The Friends Tree Review – ETH Smart Contract Scam


The Friends Tree Review


Please read The Friends Tree review. Is it a scam or legit? Have you seen someone pushing this as a way to earn Ethereum daily on social media like it was some new amazing crowdfunding smart contract platform on the Ethereum blockchain? Lets review the details of The Friends Tree including the products, the company, and the compensation plan in this The Friends Tree review.


The Friends Tree is yet another Ethereum based cash gifting matrix cycler smart contract program. Officially launched on June 12, 2020 by the same people who created the XOXO Network ponzi scam which I also recently reviewed as a scam.

In reality, The Friends Tree is just Ethereum gifting money game with no actual products, its a true crypto pyramid scheme.

The Friends Tree is marketed as:

The Friends Tree is a social decentralized peer to peer crowdfunding networking system, built on the Ethereum blockchain network to socialize and to create wealth among friends and families. This is a unique and innovative way of turning our friendship into entrepreneurship and thereby better our financial Lots.

Here are some of The Friends Tree’s hypey marketing claims:

  • Decentralized
  • Secure
  • Unchangeable
  • Transparent
  • Ethereum Smart Contract
  • Automated re-entry bonus
  • Matching bonus
  • Unlimited Ethereum earnings

The Friends Tree does not provide any company ownership or management information on its website.

Of course, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think twice about joining and investing your hard earned money.


So apparently the The Friends Tree launch was a complete flop, and barely anyone joined. Most people knew it was clone of XOXO Network. The admins cancelled at the last minute. Now they are working on launching a new scam called Friends Tree Feeder, even though it will not feed into The Friends Tree. All these cycler matrix smart contract programs always fade out as fast as they come in, and never last.


The Friends Tree has no retails products at all….ZERO

Which by definition classifies it as an Ethereum based gifting pyramid scheme.

Pay Ethereum to join for the ability to refer other suckers, to get paid Ethereum so they can do the same. The Friends Tree is completely based on recruiting only.

Brainwashed crytpo marketers try to convince people it’s all legit, because its handled with smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

But, don’t be fooled by all the smoke and mirrors,  its still an illegal pyramid scheme.


Similar to XOXO Network, The Friends Tree has two Steps in the compensation plan.

The first part is the Friends Tree (FT or personal downline) and the second is Power of Friends Tree (PFT or global downline).


The start up amount in the Friends Tree step is 0.15 ETH.

After you pay 0.15 ETH, 0.05 ETH from that amount is paid to your sponsor and the remaining 0.1 ETH is distributed according to smart contract protocols up to 10 levels/branches above the joined users according to the line of sponsors.

the friends tree comp plan 1

For Example:
Pay 0.15 ETH

Sponsor receives 0.05 ETH from that registration as direct referral bonus

The remaining 0.1ETH is distributed up to 10 levels of previously joined users;
1st level – 10%(0.01ETH)
2nd level – 10%(0.01ETH)
3rd level – 10%(0.01ETH)
4th level – 10%(0.01ETH)
5th level -10%(0.01ETH)
6th level – 10% (0.01ETH)
7th level -10%(0.01ETH)
8th level – 10% (0.01ETH)
9th level- 10% (0.01ETH)
10th level -10%(0.01ETH)

For each direct referral, the sponsor makes 0.05 ETH.

After completing all of the 10 branches by each member recruiting 1 person, you earn 0.1 ETH + 0.05 ETH direct sponsor commission.


The Power of Friends Tree (PFT) is global downline pool of the company with automated re-entries.

Entry amount is 1 ETH
50% of this amount (0.5 ETH) will be paid to your sponsor.
You receive payment of 0.5 ETH from 3 global users which amounts to 1.5 ETH.

The above 1.5 ETH is distributed among sponsor, member and recycling process.
First payment to receive will be sent to member’s wallet.
Second payment to receive will be paid to sponsor as referral bonus.
Third payment to receive will be paid as a re-entry amount to put member back into the matrix system.

Power of Friends Tree 1

Power of Friends Tree 2

This is based on first come first served protocol.

People can join The Power Of Friends Tree (PFT) without any referring.

Entry = 1 ETH.
Global User System x 3 = 1.5 ETH
Member earns = 0.5 ETH Sponsor earns = 0.5 ETH Re-entry = 0.5 ETH


The start up amount in the Friends Tree step is 0.15 ETH.

The start up amount in the Power of Friends Tree step is 1 ETH.

Total to join both tress is 1.15 ETH which is approximately $270 USD. At time of writing this review article, 1 ETH value is $236 USD.


The Friends Tree is a simple Ethereum based matrix cycler pyramid scheme.

Even though its exaggeratedly marketed as a social decentralized peer to peer crowdfunding networking, built on the the Ethereum blockchain technology and as a way to earn passive income due to matrix re-entry, it is not passive, as you will have to constant recruit and it needs a steady stream of new money to keep the global downline and matrices full to complete cycles. Once recruitment slows down as they all do, the pyramid scheme will stall out, not complete the cycles and stop paying.

Most of the money will be made at the top of the matrix pyramids and for those who got in early, from the owners, the owners friends and the big recruiters that are experienced in promoting these lame ponzi scams to suckers to gain mass amounts of Ethereum. Meanwhile, the people at the bottom will receive little to no payout and lose their money.

Another possible scenario; Owners pulling an exit scam one day by simply pointing the smart contract to their own Wallet address and running off with all that Ethereum!

Don’t be gullible, and do not join the The Friends Tree scam.

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