Whether you're a scholastic achiever, community leader, or well-rounded student, the University of Alberta awards $34 million each year in scholarships, awards, and financial support to all kinds of students.
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Top students from certain regions could receive up to $5,000 CAD, based on admission average.
Application Deadline: May 1, 2022
Eligible Countries: International
Type: Undergraduate
Value of Award: $5,000 CAD
Number of Awards: Not Mentioned
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You must be an international student admitted to the applied programme at the University of Alberta.
You should check entry requirements when you come to study at the University of Alberta.
You must be proficient in English Language
Application Process: You must have to enroll in an undergraduate program at the university.
READ ALSO: Scholarship For Black Student or Student of Colour From Write Her Future
NOTE: These scholarships are highly competitive as many people are applying from all over the world, so you can increase your chances of getting admission by applying for different ones as we'll keep posting from time to time. Best of luck!!!!!!!!